Getting Started Jogging


Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise. You need almost no equipment, you can do it anywhere (we recommend PATH400!), and you can do it at any intensity. But if you are getting started, there are a few things that you should remember to do to get the most out of your workout.

Don’t Get Hurt

Listen to your body. One of the biggest mistakes that beginners make is to push themselves too hard. Jumping straight into an intense routine without working up to it. If you injure yourself, you could seriously set back your health goals. Stretching before you work out can also help a lot. It can make you more flexible, and you also will get a better idea of the natural range of motion that your joints are capable of. This can make it easier to prevent yourself from bending or pulling too far during exercise. The additional blood flow to the area can also promote healing.

Let Yourself Recover.

Letting your body take some time off after a run is important because our body is constantly having small parts of it break down before being repaired. If an area is frequently used, it will need more repair. This is facilitated by increased blood flow. When we exercise, pushing our body will cause small tears in our muscles. When they are built back, they will be strengthened. Encouraging this process will help us to safely increase our fitness level. Failing to take the time to recover will mean that we slow down our overall progress. Being too eager to get back exercising can actually cause you long term setbacks.

Add Variety

One of the best things about running is how you can customize your run. Doing the same thing over and over will only make you good at that one thing, but varying where you run can drastically increase the muscles groups and types of exercise that you get. Hitting some hills, running a trail instead of pavement, or running at a different altitude can all force your body to adapt to new challenges, and you will be stronger for it.

Have a Plan

This is repeated over and over, but having a written plan for your runs will help you stay consistent and healthy. Being on a consistent schedule can help your body too. You can actually condition your body to prepare for runs if you maintain a consistent pre-workout ritual.

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