Joint Care

Exercise is known to help us be happier, more productive, and healthier. But if we are not careful, excessive or incorrect exercise can lead to problems such as joint pain or inflammation. Thankfully, there are ways to combat this.

The best way to combat joint pain is to use proper technique when running. The stereotype that runners have bad knees is not unfounded, many runners do develop bad knee pain. However, use of proper technique, and varying your exercise will decrease your risk of suffering from these. When running, try to lean forward more. If you are leaning back, you will be slamming your feet down, putting stress on your knees. Focus on slipping your heels up behind you, and leaning forward. Leaning like you are skiing from your ankles will help you maintain proper form. Second, try to keep your feet pointed forward. If they splay out, then you will be putting a twisting force on them with every step. This obviously will create long term problems, and can lead to the tearing of ligaments, which will stop you in a hurry. Additionally, there is some evidence that runner’s knee can be prevented with exercises that strengthen your core, such as your hips and glutes.

Second, varying your exercise routine can help you avoid problems. Generally, if there are injuries associated with over-training, they can be avoided by taking time to do other things. Including other forms of exercise such as biking, swimming, or weightlifting. Not only can these help you to stay fit, but your body will appreciate the time it will get to heal and strengthen itself. Doing exercises such as yoga or other calisthenics can also help to make you more limber. The added balance and flexibility will help you to be able to maintain proper form. Also, as mentioned above, strengthening your core will help you to keep your body supported, preventing extra wear on your joints.

Finally, making sure that you have appropriate footwear can help. You need light footwear that properly supports your foot. A good shoe should correct your foot, without adding a lot of extra mass. Extra mass will just mean more kinetic energy that will be pulling on your joints.  Taking the time to make sure that you have footwear that fits and helps you will be one of the easiest things that you can do to keep your workouts safe for the long term. So go and find someone who can help you understand your foot and your stride, and find something that will complement it. You won’t regret it.


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