Why Winter is a Great Season to be Outdoors


Sometimes, when the winter months roll around, we end up indoors more. But this is not always healthy or even fun. There are lots of reasons to get outside during winter months, although depending on the weather you may need to take extra precautions. Going outdoors in winter can have its advantages: fewer people on trails, no mosquitoes or other annoying bugs, and increased fitness. So get out on PATH400!

Winter and Activity

Seasons are caused by the angle of the planet to the sun. As we circle the sun, earth’s axis points to a fixed point in the stars. This means that depending on which side of the sun we are on, either the northern or southern hemisphere will be angled to face the sun more directly. This causes one hemisphere to experience colder months while the other hemisphere experiences summer. This is also why the days are shorter during winter. Our angle away from the sun means that it will set earlier and rise later. This translates to less daylight hours in the evenings and mornings, which are typically when we have free time. But we end up indoors, there are real health consequences. The lack of activity can lead to depression and tiredness, as well as a decrease in physical fitness. So, you know you should get outside. But how do you get around the challenges?

Winter Hiking

If you do not have daylight hours during the week, winter can be a good season to go on weekend hikes. When hiking in the winter, there are several steps to take to make sure that you stay safe and have fun. First, wear appropriate clothing. Footwear needs to be rugged and waterproof. If hiking in snow, you should have a completely waterproof outer shell. Getting wet can be a terribly unpleasant or even dangerous experience if you are out in winter. Beneath that, you should have warm insulating layers to trap your body heat. Wear wool socks, which will keep your feet dry and warm. Pay attention to your extremities, if they are cold, it means your core is not warm enough. Your core pumps warmth throughout your system. Wearing beanies, gloves, and good footwear will allow you to greatly decrease your heat loss. Your bottom layer should be clothing that will wick moisture away from your body. If you are engaging in strenuous exercise, you do not want your sweat pooling. Get your gear ready, and go hike safely.



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